Data Files #2 Mona Gioconda
June 23rd, 2010

Data Files #2 Mona Gioconda

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Filler day sorry….
new comic with only 10% of new material
Anyway I intend to do data files for all pilli adventure monters (probably I´ll upload them in the blog instead of the comic archive).
I already have the storyboards(a very bad drawn script) for the next arc (a 12 page saga) but july Im going to vacation and I dont want to interrupt it.

before you ask about monster level , it measures danger level to mankind not battle strength there could be strong monsters with low monster level since they wont hurt a single human, In case of Mona her monster level was 1 almost zero at the beggining of the series but puberty allow her to become a level 3 monster.Out of chart monsters (Gods)

monster level 1.- spooky monsters , (low level poltergeist, ghosts etc) usually they only scare people no danger at all

monster level 2.- tricky monsters (the chaneque, Chapad pot) play pranks and jokes on people they usually dont hurt people.

monster level 3.- wild monsters (alebrijes, Monster Cats, winged snakes) , monsters in this group have the capacity to kill/hurt humans even by mistake

monster level 4.- very strong monsters with high IQ (Coa,witches) they are country level danger.

Monster level 5.-
out of chart monsters (Gods)


  1. Dennis el Azul

    Mona is the smartest character on this comic. 😛

  2. Shyamalan

    Mona put up a tough fight, but in the end, it seems she and the tuna melt were too equally matched. Keep training Mona, and you’ll defeat that sandwich yet.

  3. ColdFusion

    It’s okay, I’m nerdy enough that I love these. And Mona’s so cute <3

  4. algeya

    I also love data files but a lot of people dont like those extras
    I left out some data out like height , favorite meal, cup size etc

  5. reynard61

    Dang! If Mona can’t beat a Tunamelt in a fight, what hope do we have when the Lasagna comes to conquer us?!

  6. Outcast Kyle

    I loled like crazy with this one also I think I’m the only who got the tunamelt joke.

  7. fortuna zaklady bukmacherskie

    You post great posts. Bookmarked for future referrence !

  8. busy ze Szczecina do Holandii

    I stumbled across your blog and think it’s fantastic, keep us posting

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